Summer/Fall 2025 Readmission
Undergraduate students who have withdrawn from the University for personal or medical reasons and wish to return must make their request for readmission by completing the appropriate form:
- Readmission Application Following a Withdrawal for Personal (Non-Medical) Reasons.
- Readmission Application Following a Withdrawal for Medical Reasons.
At least one full fall or spring term must typically elapse before a student who has withdrawn is eligible for readmission. For Summer/Fall 2025 Readmission, all paperwork must be submitted by February 15, 2025. Incomplete or late applications may not be considered for readmission.
For more information, please visit: Applying for Readmission and Readmission Criteria.
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The Richmond College Dean's Office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Let us know what is going on so we can offer support, assistance, and care.
Students, parents, faculty, & staff can find a variety of resources here.

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The Richmond College Dean’s Office offers a number of programs designed to help our students engage on campus and in the community, persist academically, and succeed on campus and in life.